Aboriginal Services Branch and Learning and Teaching Resources Branch. Our Words, Our Way:Teaching First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning. 2005. Retrieved from https://education.alberta.ca/media/307199/words.pdf
Aboriginal Education Enhancements Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Education. Shared Learning- Integrating BC Aboriginal Content K-10. 2006 : https://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/abed/shared.pdf
Karihwakè:ron Tim Thompson, of the Mohawk Nation bear clan at Wahta Mohawk Territory, advocate for Indigenous and Education Issues.Equitable Education resources. Retrieved from: http://sttpcanada.ctf-fce.ca/lessons/tim-thompson/
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada-http://www.fncaringsociety.com/main A national non-profit organization was required to provide research, policy, professional development and networking support to support FNCFSA in caring for First Nations children, youth and families.
Legacy of Hope- http://www.legacyofhope.ca/about-us This is a national Aboriginal charitable organization whose purposes are to educate, raise awareness and understanding of the legacy of residential schools, including the effects and intergenerational impacts on First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, and to support the ongoing healing process of Residential School Survivors.
Project of Heart- http://projectofheart.ca/ This organization was created by Sylvia Smith to commemorate the Indigenous children who died in residential schools and to find ways to take action and form relationships between Indigenous and non Indigenous people.
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. Retrieved August 2015 from: http://www.kairoscanada.org/ The organization unites eleven churches and religious organizations and is an organization in the pursuit of ecological justice and equal rights. The Blanket Exercise developed by KAIROS is a simulation exploring relationships between Indigenous and non- Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
Gagnon, Sherie. Landmark Land Settlement. Canadian Geographic . Retrieved August 2015 from: http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/magazine/apr08/indepth/history.asp Tsawwassen First Nation Implementation Report: 2011/2012. (2013). Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada,